Two Worlds, One Focus
How it Began
Hullwright Advisors is a Management Consulting firm based in Toronto, CANADA.
We provide Strategic, Executive Management, and Financial Policy Adviory to:
Platform Business Models, Fintechs and New Ventures.
Our practice is grounded in Classical Applied Corporate Finance Theory based on our training in EVA(r)
Economic Value Added. A fundamental shareholder value based approach to analyzing businesses.
We further developed expertise in Strategic Technology through decades of experience in turbocharching platform based business models in Marketplaces, Brokerages, Capital Markets and Proprietary trading to generate outsized returns on capital with a durable competitive advantage period.
We have a deep personal experience and background practicing
Principal Risk Taking in Capital Markets through Public & Private Markets across
multiple asset classes with a focus on generating value on a risk adjusted basis.
We always incorporate sequence risk, edge and appropriate bet sizing in our thinking.

It is the focus on marrying long-term Share-owner Value, and developing Durable Advantage, with an appropriate awareness of sizing risks, which caters to Clients as how seek to understand how to develop, position and maintain their Corporate Strategies in both the operating environment and financial marketplaces.
From traditional industries to the latest fintechs; from early stage equity only Ventures, to established companies going through extremely leveraged buyouts; and from turnaround to growth opportunities; our strategic advice covers the whole lifecycle and capital structure of a corporation, but we maintain our own edge through a focus on specific strenghts
Our Client Focus
Platform Business Models
Are unique in that two sets of counter-parties need to be satisfied before a business can create value. This creates unique issues around governance, monetizaiton, metrics, architecture and openness. While typical in financial services (Exchanges and Brokerages), they are not exclusive to this industry (ride-sharing).
We believe the nexus of the Platform Model, paired with extreme automation and economic forces, poses unique challenges & generational
opportunities for Industry and Wealth Creation.

Are at the intersection of financial networks and emerging Strategic Technologies. While typically platforms models, they are not always so. Fintechs due to the fungible and digital nature of their products are hyper-scalable and also present unique opportunities and challenges for their Leaders to manage Sequence of Strategy.

New Venture Creation
The ultimate sequence risk can be seen in new venture creation. Some doors open up to new doors, other doors close the ones behind you forever. Understanding your edge, or more likely how you will develop this edge and how much to invest in it, is critical not only to your long term growth but also to the trajectory, alignment and durability of your franchise.
Current clients
Include: a digital private equity platform; a Global financial multi-media platform; a digital assets portfolio trading tool; a proprietary brokerage firm and an innovative sustainable packager.
What sets Hullwright apart
Concentration of Force - We will only work with 1/2 dozen clients at any one time;
this ensures that our clients will top of mind at all times.
Long-term relationships - We prefer to grow WITH our clients needs,
rather than grow the number of our clients, ideally over a lifetime of compounding growth.
We have some relationships which we work with for over 25 years;
while other startups we have been assisting at their foundation within the past year.
This long-term perspective allows us to also maintain >
Exclusivity - One can rest assured,
we will only EVER deal with your firm and your firm alone in your industry.
We have never traded Jerseys within any, department, business or Industry.
When we choose who to partner with,
we do so on the conviction that we are making such an investment in that industry forever.
This culminates in
Loyalty - unparalleled amongst Trusted Corporate Advisors.
No need for Chinese walls, or other Legal contortions to ensure proper alignment;
Hullwright will never have conflicts of interest working with its clients.
If you are a family office with over $10MM in management (qualified Institutional)
or a Corporate operator with over $50MM in operating capital;
or an innovative new venture with a market opportunity over $250MM,
please feel free to contact us and lets explore a partnership journey together.